If you wish to become a member of Speaker-Og Indlæserforeningen, you must have professional experience and fulfill the following criteria:
You must be able to provide documentation showing min. 2 professional jobs within the last 12 months within the Speaker-Og Indlæserforeningen's work area or be permanently employed as a voice artist
If you fulfill one of these criteria, you are welcome to join the association.
Please fill out the application form below Under "Experience", only state the work you have completed - not what you also think might qualify.
Send an Mp3 voice sample to sif@skuespillerforbundet.dk sif@skuespillerforbundet.dk.
Please note, it can take up to 2 weeks before you hear from us
You can apply to become a member of Speaker-Og Indlæsningsforeningen via the form here.
If you cannot immediately meet some of the requirements but still think you are qualified for admission, please contact the Board.
Annual subscription is 700 kr. The amount is deductible.